Thursday 17th September - 7pm start
CANCELLED AGM followed by video films.
The September slot is taken up as usual by our AGM. Once business is out of the way, we’ll indulge ourselves in video films.
Tuesday 13th October - 7pm start
Thursday 12th November - 7pm start
Tuesday 8th December - 7pm start
Thursday 14th January - 7pm start
The Rhondda Tunnel Society
Tony Moon make a first visit to tell us of the Rhondda Tunnel Society's vision to re-open the disused Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Tunnel, reconnecting the communities of Rhondda and Afan Valleys as a pedestrian and cycling route. At almost 2 miles long, it would be the longest tunnel in Europe, second longest in the world, for Walking and Cycling! The R.T.S, is only 6 years old but has over 700 members and is gaining momentum. Actor Michael Sheen is an ambassador, further enhancing the Rhondda Tunnel's exposure.
Tuesday 16th February - 7pm start
Big Screen Video Evening.
Our popular 'big screen' video evening.
Thursday 18th March - 7pm start
Peter Brabham - Railways at the Docks
Peter Brabham presents pictures from the J. Wiltshire Collection.
POSTPONED Tuesday 6th April - 7pm start
To be confirmed
POSTPONED Thursday 13th May - 7pm start
To be confirmed
POSTPONED Tuesday 15th June - 7pm start
To be confirmed
Thursday 16th September - 7pm start
AGM follow by Video Films.
The September slot is taken up as usual by our AGM. Once business is out of the way, we’ll indulge ourselves video films.